Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My first view....

Recently finishing my 365 Project has left me a huge sense of accomplishment, but it was not enough.  For as long as I can remember I have never been the type of person of "status quo".  One thing I pride myself on is when I tackle a task I do it to the best of my abilities.  My 365 was no exception.  Sure there were times when it got in the way of other things and when, well I really did not want to do it, but I did.  Why?  Because that is what you do.  I believe in the philosophy that when you say you are going to do something you "DO IT", and not only do it but do it the best way possible. In my opinion the ole "half ass" approach is not acceptable.  Do you want to live life by just getting by, doing what is needed to just say "I finished" or be proud.  Way too many times in our society today we "half ass" things.  I refuse to be apart of that movement.  So what is next for me?

 My plan for my next project started back in November and it stemmed from the "special" thing I did after each month went by on my 365.  When I started my 365 I quickly realized that the idea of posting 365 pictures needed more mini milestones.  Milestones that gave me goals to look forward to, to help me stay on track.  So I decided not only would I post a picture of the day but at the end of the month I would create a video composition of the previous month's pictures.  These videos month by month helped me improve my video editing and movie making skills.  These skills would ultimately drive my next project.  A movie, not just any movie, a full movie.  This meant I need to write a script, get actors, find places to shoot, and a soundtrack. Once that was done I need to shoot, edit, and compose the movie.  The dilemma I faced was similar to that of the 365, mini milestones.  This is where I am at today. Determining milestones. "Let it snow"